Wednesday, September 06, 2006

Toddlers Do Listen

Have you ever noticed that your kids really only hear
the last word or two that you say?
So as your child is running down the driveway
towards the street, as you yell
“don’t run into the street” your child hears “street”.
As your child runs around the pool,
you yell “don’t run” and your child hears “run!”
After your child has just eaten a
peanut butter and jelly sandwich that’s evidenced
by their fingers, you yell “don’t touch”
your child hears “touch!”

No matter if you are a child, a teen or an adult, when
you are focused on a task, when
someone starts talking to you; you only hear the last
bit before you realize that
someone is actually talking to you. I heard someone
point this out, so I began telling my
children what I did want.

Instead of yelling “don’t run into the street” I scream
“Stop!” When I want them stop
running, I yell “Walk”. And of course when I
don’t want them to touch any
thing, I would tell them “Hands Off!” And of course
my favorite is “keep your milk
in your cup or in your mouth” as they walk to
the dining room with a full
glass of milk.

Toddlers do listen, well . . . at least to the last few
words you say.

And as in life, as you ask for what you want, you are more likely to get it.

Have you experienced this? I’d love to hear your
comments about this.


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