Monday, September 18, 2006

Assumptions = Unstated Expectations

As most parents, I think my children are bright, but this has absolutely nothing to do with what we adults call "Common Sense." In a 24 hour period, both my children have proven this.

My son, who's in middle school, wanted to go to a friend's house before dinner. He took his watch and was supposed to be home by 6pm. At 6:20pm I had to call his friend's house to have him come home.

Once he was home, we figured out he had not sprung his watch forward an hour for daylight savings. He whined that he didn't know it was wrong. I told him it was his responsibility to make sure his watch matched our house clock.

Later that same evening, he went to his friend's house with a be home directive of 7:30pm. Arriving home at 7:35pm, he made excuses that his friend made him late and that his friend's clock did not match his by a few minutes. I told him it was his responsibility to be home on time regardless of what his friend did or the time on his friend's clock. And that he should leave 5 minutes early by his watch so he makes sure he is home on time.

His response was "Now you tell me!"

I made the assumption he would know to leave early to get home on time. After I thought about this, I realized that just like teaching our children manners, we need to teach them the basics or a foundation of common sense.

I am a true believer that when our children know what to expect, they know how to win. This is just another reminder of how true this is.

More about this and my daughter in my next posting.