Tuesday, May 22, 2007

The Future

The Future


The Future

I had coffee with a friend of mine. Her eldest had just competed in an international robotic competition. She made a comment that I wanted to share with you.

The director of DARPA and the founder of YouTube spoke at this event! There were ~6000 teenagers from around the world at this event. Some had Mohawks, some had lip rings, some had tattoos, but nowhere did she see the classic “nerd.”

Her comment was, after being with these teenagers for a few days, “She does not fear the future.” These are everyday well rounded kids who are poised to lead us in the next decade or two.

The media always gives us the negative view of teens today. I think teens are great and my friend’s declaration of the future just confirmed this.

Teens are typically given the short end of the deal in our society. They are important members of our society because they will be leading our nation in the near future. We should respect them, as we do any adult.

The next time you are in the presence of a teen, give them the time of day and make them feel like they are important.

To find out more about this Robotic Competition go to http://www.usfirst.org/community/frc/



This teleclass was created to help the parents of pre-
kindergartners support their child through this change.

As you well know, the transition from Preschool to
Kindergarten is one of the most significant changes in a
child's life. It affects them socially, emotionally, physically
and cognitively.

You can help your child . . . click on the following url to
read more www.kinder.family-rx.com/Why.pdf

When: May 30th, 2007
Time: 7p-8p PST

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go to the following www.kinder.family-rx.com/testimonials.html

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