Sunday, October 22, 2006

We Are Our Children's Role Model

I came across this statement the other day and I've been dwelling on it ever since.

"Role model what you want your child to do."

When my son was ~3 yrs old, we were having a playdate with another boy his age, his younger sister and mom. While the adults were talking, the other boy grabbed an object from his baby sister and then yelled at her. The mother immediately grabbed the same object from the boy and yelled at him. This didn't phase me until the mother said to me "Honestly, I don't know where he learns that." It was quite obvious to me, however, not knowing this other mom that well, I didn't have the guts to say "From you."

This role model lesson was driven home even harsher years later when my son ~7-8 yrs old, yelled at me exactly like I yelled at him. Various emotions were flying through my head: (1) I knew exactly where he learned to yell like he did, (2) man, my feelings were hurt by the way he yelled at me, and (3) Guilt, I've been making my son feel this awful by my yelling for years. (Since then, I've made tremendous strides in the yelling department and my son will agree.)

However, if you find your child acting out in ways that are unacceptable. Maybe you need to look closer to home than school. Our children deserve to be treated the way we want them to treat us and others.

If we want our children treating us and others with respect, we need to treat them with respect.

I'd love to hear ways that you show and generate respect in your children.