Let Siblings Fight
My friend “Sadie” grew up in a household where she and her sister were not allowed to fight.
In fact, if they did fight, her mother always sided with her younger sister. Her mother never listened to her side of the story; even when they were in high school.
This was a huge disservice “Sally’s” parents did for her and her sister. The siblings never learned how to resolve a fight.
- During the last two years of high school, “Sally” and her sister only talked when they had to.
- Today “Sally” avoids conflict at all costs and her sister won’t let things go until she has her way.
- The siblings are just acquaintances today.
Let your children deal with the bickering and minor fights without intervention. Of course you want to set some boundaries regarding name calling and raised voices. And help them to use their "I" messages to move closer to resolution.
Obviously you’ll interfere when it escalates; but by allowing your children to resolve their issues themselves allows them to learn a valuable life lesson.
Do you let your children fight? What are the rules that you have set regarding fighting? I’d love to hear about it.
Labels: sibling