Being an Ally to Your Teen
Being an Ally to Your Teen
Upcoming Teleseminar
One of the most ignored situations in our society is how teens are mistreated. They are not respected and there not valued by society. Teens internalize these messages and begin treating their peers this way.
These very teens are the next generation of leaders in our society and world. We can help them fight the societal messages, we as parents and adult role models can help buffer this.
One way of doing this is becoming their ally. To do this we need to listen to them and listen to what they have to say from their perspective (I know this can be difficult, but we must try.) This means biting our tongues sometimes (maybe many times) and letting them finish what they have to say with out jumping in. We don't have to fix their problems; we just need them to know we care enough to listen.
If your teenager is reeling from an emotional hurt, listen without criticism, blame or interference. If your child is feeling safe enough to talk to you; listen with empathy, put your own 'stuff' on the back burner. Sometimes your child just needs to expel all that is bothering him. Just listen.
When you do begin a conversation with your child, start with a positive. Tell them you've had a hard day and it's good to see him/family. Start with something you like or admire about your child. Praise him on something he has done well before you start asking about homework or reminding him the garbage collection is tomorrow or other more serious issue.
We don't have to be perfect parents. We just need to parent from our hearts to help our teens adjust successfully into adulthood.
How have you been an ally to your teen? I'd love to hear about it.
Topics: Communicating with Your Child & Setting Boundaries and Role Modeling
Date of Calls: Monday Nov 6 & Nov 13 2006
Time of Call: 7pm-8pm PST
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