Tuesday, November 21, 2006

Focusing On The Future

I believe in focusing on the positive. I’m sure you have met someone in your life where everything is a negative. Bad things are always happening to them. And the flip side, I’m sure you know that person who is always positive, never has anything negative to say about anyone and to whom positive things are always happening.

The other day I was reading the book, “Parenting at the Speed of Teens” by Search Institute. Two questions really struck me: “How much time do you spend thinking about what you ‘don’t’ want your teen to do or become?” and “How much time do you spend thinking about how you do want your teen to grow up, what you want her or his life to look like---both now and in the future?”

This made me stop and think. I have been spending more time in the present and current issues and not the goal of raising a happy, functioning adult. When I think about it, I look forward to interacting with my son when he’s at college, afterwards and when he starts making a family.

How much time do you think positively about your child’s future?


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